NeuroGenderings Book Club

The NeuroGenderings Book Club meets online, once per month, to discuss books and other scholarly publications by our members and close colleagues. For information about our current reading list and how to join our discussions, please contact Annie Duchesne here. We welcome everyone, particularly students, in every time zone. If our meeting time is not during your usual work day, please feel free to attend in your pajamas, with coffee or wine, whatever is appropriate for the hour in your time zone. We are an informal group!
Tentative reading list
April 28, 2023
DuBois, L.Z., Gibb, J., Juster, R.P., & Powers, S.I. (2020). Biocultural approaches to transgender and gender diverse experience and health: Integrating biomarkers and advancing gender/sex research. American Journal of Human Biology, e23555. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajhb.23555
May 26 and June 30, 2023
Currah, P. (2022). Sex is as sex does. New York University Press.
September 22, 2023
Sanchis-Segura, C. et al. (2022). "Beyond “sex prediction”: Estimating and interpreting multivariate sex differences and similarities in the brain. Neuroimage, 257: 119343.
Rauch, J.M., & Eliot, L. (2022). "Breaking the binary: Gender versus sex analysis in human brain imaging. NeuroImage, 264: 119732.
October 27, 2023
van Anders, S. M. (2022). Gender/sex/ual diversity and biobehavioral research. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000609
December 1, 2023, and January 26, 2024
Heyam, K. (2022). Before we were trans: A new history of gender. Seal Press.
Lockhart, J. W. (2020). ‘A Large and Longstanding Body’: Historical Authority in the Science of Sex. In Louie Dean Valencia-García (Ed.), Far-Right Revisionism and the End of History | Alt/Histories. Routledge.
Rollins, O. (2021). Conviction: The Making and Unmaking of The Violent Brain. Stanford University Press.
Kesse, E.N. (2014). Theorizing race(ism) while neurogendering. In S. Schmitz and G. Höppner (Eds.), Gendered Neurocultures: Feminist and Queer Perspectives on Current Brain Discourses (pp. 109-119). Zaglossus Press.
Richardson, S. S. (2021). The Maternal Imprint: The Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects. University of Chicago Press.
Filipe, A. M., Lloyd, S., & Larivée, A. (2021). Troubling Neurobiological Vulnerability: Psychiatric Risk and the Adverse Milieu in Environmental Epigenetics Research. Frontiers in Sociology, 6.
Bessert-Nettelbecket, M., Livanec, S., & Müller, O. (Eds.) (2018). Science, art and neuroethics: Transdisciplinary collaborations to foster public engagement. Columbia University Press.
Lysen, F. (2019). Kissing and staring in times of neuromania: The social brain in art-science experiments. In Trevor Pinch, Henk Borgdorff, and Peter Peters (Eds.), Artful Ways of Knowing, Dialogues between Artistic Research and Science & Technology Studies, pp. 167–83. Routledge.
Grommé, F., & Ruppert, E. (2021). Imagining Citizens as More than Data Subjects: A Methodography of a Collaborative Design Workshop on Co-producing Official Statistics. Science & Technology Studies, 34(3), pp. 103–124. doi: 10.23987/sts.89444.
D'Ignazio, C., & Klein, L.F. (2020). Data feminism. MIT Press.
van Rooij, I., & Baggio, G. (2021). Theory before the test: How to build high-verisimilitude explanatory theories in psychological science. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(4), 682-697.
Roy, D. (2018). Molecular feminisms: Biology, becomings, and life in the lab. University of Washington Press.
Spivak, G. C., & Riach, G. (2016). Can the subaltern speak? (p. 254). London: Macat International Limited.
Jordan-Young, R.M., & Karkazis, K. (2019). Testosterone: An unauthorized biography. Harvard University Press.
Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum , 139.
Fine, C. (2017). Testosterone rex: Unmaking the myths of our gendered minds. Icon Books.
Said, E.W. (1979). Orientalism. Vintage. Introduction.
Rippon, G. (2019). The gendered brain: The new neuroscience that shatters the myth of the female brain. Random House.
Philip, K., Irani, L., & Dourish, P. (2012). Postcolonial computing: A tactical survey. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 37(1), 3-29.
Joel, D., & Vikhanski, L. (2019). Gender mosaic: Beyond the myth of the male and female brain. Hachette UK.